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ASO Test Kit - ADX801

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Atleast 7 days from order confirmation date


The group a beta-hemolytic Streptococci produce various exotoxins such as Streptolysin-O & Streptolysin-S which can act as antigens. The affected individuals produce specific antibodies-Antistreptolysin – O (ASO). Detection of ASO is very useful in the diagnosis of streptococcal infections. The elevated ASO titre may be associated with acute rheumatic fever and glomerulonephritis. An elevated ASO titre of more than 200 IU/ml indicates an acute streptococcal infection. Testing of successive serum sample for an interval of 10-12 days is diagnostically more important than a single sample.


The latex Reagent is coated with Streptolysin-O. The specimen containing ASO, on mixing with Latex Reagent agglutinates, showing the positive test result. If ASO is absent there will be no agglutination, which is a negative test result.

Product Features:

  • Used for qualitative and semi quantitative determination of ASO in Serum
  • Rapid screening within 2 minutes
  • Highly stabilized latex reagent
  • Distinct agglutination with sensitivity of 200 IU/mL
  • Packed with positive and negative controls


