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CRP Test Kit - ADX811

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C - reactive protein (CRP) is a normal alpha globulin, which increases in inflammatory processes. The name CRP is derived from the fact that this protein has the capacity to precipitate the somatic C-carbohydrate of Pneumococcus. Elevated CRP levels are usually observed in a variety of infections and inflammatory conditions where there is tissue destruction. The CRP level measurement is useful in differential diagnosis of neonatal septicemia and meningitis. CRP levels are always elevated after myocardial infarction and surgery. The CRP test can also help in determining post-surgical complications.


Uniform latex particles are coated with anti-human CRP. The specimen containing CRP on mixing with Latex Reagent agglutinates, showing a positive test result. If CRP is absent, there will be no agglutination, indicating a negative test result.

Product Features:

  • Used for qualitative and semi quantitative determination of CRP in Serum
  • Rapid screening within 2 minutes
  • Highly stabilized latex reagent
  • Distinct agglutination with sensitivity of 0.6 mg/dL
  • Packed with positive and negative controls


