Product Description:
How UV Inspection UV Cabinet works:
The front of the box is closed with a door with proper alignment , which can be easy for users to use as required for inserting or marking
objects. A glass filter in the viewing window protects the eyes against reflected short-wave UV light.
Great care has been taken to ensure the correct distances between UV lamp, object and the observer’s eye in the interest of good illumination
and untroubled viewing.
Important Notice :
Hardly any TLC laboratory can be without the use of UV light for inspecting chromatograms. Two types of ultra violet light are required for
inspecting Thin-Layer chromatogram
Long-wave UV light 365 nm :
Under long-wave UV light substances that can be excited to fluoresence appear as bright spots, often differently colored, on a dark
background. The sensitivity of this detection method increases with the intensity of the UV light and also as more visible light is eliminated.
Short-wave UV light 254nm :
Under 254 nm UV substances absorbing at that wavelength become visible, provided the TLC layer contains a fluorescent indicator, e.g.
F254. These substances appear as dark spots on a bright background.
Key features :
• Inspection of Thin-Layer chromatograms and other objects in an undarkened room.
• A glass filter in the viewing window protects the eyes against reflected short-wave UV light.
• Made from shock-resistant plastic.
EPI-UV Source : 254nm 8 Watts X 2 Tubes, 365nm 8 Watts X 2 Tubes
EPI-VIS : Fluorecent 8 watts X 2 Tubes
Input Voltage : 230V 50Hz AC Supply
Fuse : 2 Amp
Instruction Manual
Warranty Card
• UV Darkhood Metal Cabinet With Powder Coated
• Nitrile Sheet for Anti Corrosion and to Visualize Strip